curtain #2
2022. 11
independent production / collaborated work
This installation consists of 16 pieces of organdie cloth hung in succession, each piece swaying autonomously. The swaying movement is generated by a combination of four songs randomly selected from the "Shibuya Scramble Crossing" playlist on Spotify at the time. I regarded this playlist as a list of songs that people passing by were listening to on their earphones.
Even when many people are gathered in the same place, it is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine what the person right next to you is watching, listening to, or enjoying. I attempted to reduce the entire space to a scenery in which as many "individual" meaning and performances as there are people coexist and stir in the space. The quietly swaying curtains casually connect others to the scenery.
The mechanism that produces the swinging is composed of four Arduino and 16 motors. The circuit design, production, and control were done by Morita Kazuma.
Morita Kazuma
2022.11 東京大学制作展 2022 "Emulsion 〜混ぜる、混ざる、混ざらない?〜" @東京大学情報学環オープンスタジオ(東京)
2022.11 iii Exhibition 2022 "Emulsion ~Mixing, Mixed or UnMixed?~" @ Open Studio, iii UTokyo (Tokyo)