3Dスキャンは現実物体の三次元形状を正確に3Dモデルデータ化する技術として注目されるが、(x, y, z)と(R,G,B)の情報を持つ数百万の点群は、形状だけでなく光の様子や動き時間の情報を孕むことで、場の雰囲気や印象を強く喚起する表現となりうると考える。
This is one of a series of studies exploring the possibilities of 3D scanning as a form of expression. The work is a 3D model obtained by 3D scanning a moving subject or a crowded place as if shooting a movie.
If the subject changes or moves during the 3D scan, a point cloud is generated each time, thus creating a 3D model that includes a history of time and movement.
3D scanning has attracted attention as a technology for accurately converting the three-dimensional shape of a real object into 3D model data, but we believe that several million points with information on (x, y, z) and (R, G, B) can be an expression that strongly evokes the atmosphere and impression of a place because it contains not only the shape but also the light and movement time information.